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Re: adding new routines to TRNSYS

	Having two copies of the param.inc file is okay, as long as you remember
that there are two and that when you make changes to one, you must make
changes to the other. Open up the file and look at what's in it to see what
type of changes you might have to make (the max number of units that you
can have in a simulation, the max number of equations that you may have etc.)

For compiling, you can also use the command fl32 /c Type144.for. This is
the one I always use.

>The compilation was successfull. Then in the TRNSYS directory I did:
>c:\trnwin>link @link.dvf

did you first add your type to the link.dvf file? To do this, enter dit
link.dvf at the DOS c:\trnwin> prompt. You'll add the line 
"\trnwin\types\type144.obj" at the end of the list.
Then, type the link @ link.dvf command as you did before. 
That should be all you need to do. You don't need to run alltrndf.bat
because that will recompile and relink the standard TRNSYS components (and
will overwrite the one you just created with your type in it.)

There are a couple more steps that you need to follow in order to use your
new Type from IISiBat. Look at page 58 in the IISiBat manual for this info
(note: Not the Introduction to TRNSYS with IISiBat manual but the other
spiral bound one).

I hope this works for you. I will be out of the office for the next week at
a conference and so won't be able to answer emails...sorry about that.
Good luck,
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TRNSYS Engineer			Phone: (608) 263-1589
Solar Energy Laboratory	bradley@sel.me.wisc.edu
1500 Engineering Drive		Fax: (608) 262-8464
Madison, WI  53706

The SEL Web Site can be seen at: http://sel.me.wisc.edu
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