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Re: unexpected behaviour

Hi Sebastian,

there were some bugfixes within the TAB-module of Type56 this year -
 make sure that you are using the newest update.
If not, please contact your TRNSYS distributor for an update.


Matthias Rudolph


 Matthias Rudolph
 TRANSSOLAR Energietechnik GmbH
 Curiestrasse 2
 70563 Stuttgart

 phone: ++49-711-67976-192
 fax:     ++49-711-67976- 11


> Hi!
> I have observed some strange behaviour while simulating a (virtual) building
> in TRNSYS 15. The following happend:
> - i have set up a (virtual) building (Type56) with two zones (Zone1, Zone2)
> - Zone1 has an adjacent concrete wall (thickness 0.40m) and an adjacent
> active Wall (0.15m concrete - active layer - 0.15m concrete) to Zone2
> - Zone1 1 also has an external wall (direction north) consist of 0.30m
> concrete and 0,05m thermal insulation
> - Zone2 only have these adjacent walls to Zone1
> - Zone2 is kept exactly at 20°C by accordingly set up heating and cooling
> regimes
> - Abient and fictive sky temperatur are set to 20°C - no solar radiation
> - the inlet fluid temperature of the active layer is also at 20°C
> If i simulate this setup the temperature of Zone1 drops to 19,6°C and
> oscilates at this value after about 15 hours. Inner surfaces temperatures at
> Zone1 are below 20°C as well. The outside surface temperature of the
> external wall is above 20°C. How could this happen? Every input is set to
> exactly 20°C but the temperature drops. Is this a problem of floating point
> precision? Where does the energy come from - where did the energy go?
> Thanks for your help.
> Sebastian Zwietz
> <zwietz@ivi.fhg.de>