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RE: Question about type 81 (Borehole model (Dr. P. Pahud)


A range Check error indicates that a routine (most probably Type 81 in your
case) is trying to access an element that does not exist in an array. This
would occur, for example, if you try to access element "0" of an array, or
if you try to access MyArray[11] if MyArray was declared sith a size.

If you have a Fortran compiler (I assume you do since you are using a
non-standard Type), you should be able to figure out the cause of the error

Make sure that:
- You are in Debug mode
- You tell the compiler to check for this type of errors
  In CVF66A:
  Go to Projects/Settings/Fortran
  Select RunTime in pull-down menu
  Check "Array and Strings bounds" under "Runtime Error Checking"
- You stop at the error.
  In CVF66A:
  Insert a breakpoint at the very beginning of the simulation
  When the debugger stops there, go to "Debug/Exceptions"
  Choose "Stop Always" for all possible exceptions

If you run Trnsys in Debug mode, it should show you the line where the range
check error occurs.
If you don't want to use the debugger, you can use trial and error to find
which parameter causes the problem.


Michaël Kummert


Michaël Kummert

Solar Energy Laboratory - University of Wisconsin-Madison
1303 Engr Res Bldg, 1500 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706

Tel: +1 (608) 263-1589
Fax: +1 (608) 262-8464
E-mail: kummert@sel.me.wisc.edu

SEL Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu
TRNSYS Web Site: http://sel.me.wisc.edu/trnsys

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu
> [mailto:owner-trnsys@relay.doit.wisc.edu] On Behalf Of Jong, M.J.M.
> Sent: Friday, October 11, 2002 03:18
> To: TRNSYS E-mail group (E-mail)
> Subject: Question about type 81 (Borehole model (Dr. P. Pahud)
> Dear Trnsys-users,
> At this moment I am simulating a house with a heat pump that
> is connected to a ground heat exchanger. For the ground heat
> exchanger, I use type 81, called "The Superposition Borehole
> Model" by Dr. D. Pahud, Dr. A. Fromentin and J.C. Hadorn.
> I want to simulate a system with 3 ground heat exhangers with
> a lenght of 30 m. each. The centre to centre distance between
> the heat exchangers is 10 m. This model uses an input
> parameter file for configurating the borehole heat exchanger.
> Below this file is shown.
> ******************************************************************
> 2
> 1Q
> 0.1
> 7
> 4 0.01 2 0.03 3 0.04 2 0.16 2 0.31 2 0.62 2 1.25
> 2.4 2.5E6
> 0 FILE
> 10
> 10 0.0
> 0 FILE
> 1
> 3
> 28 2  0
> 0 -10 0
> 0 0 0
> 0 10 0
> 6
> 0
> 0
> 1
> 0D 365D1H
> 0D 365D
> 0D 30D 180D 365D
> 1
> 0D 3650D1H
> 2
> 1
> 0.001 1000 4.19E6 0.6
> 2300 2300
> 0.0102 0.0125 0.42
> 1.5 0.05 0.05 0.1
> 0
> ******************************************************************
> The lines 0 -10 0
>               0 0 0
>               0 10 0
> are the coordinates of the boreholes. As you can see, I have
> 1 symmetry group, with 3 boreholes in the symmetry group.
> When I want to run my simulation, I get the message "Range
> check error".
> When I modify my model to a model with 1 borehole, everything
> is OK. Does anybody know what I do wrong ?
> With kind regards,
> Maurice Jong.
> =============================================================> =============> =====>
> Maurice Jong
> ECN - Energy research Centre of the Netherlands
> Department: Zon,
> Group DEGO
> P.O. Box 1    1755 ZG  Petten				Country:   The
> Netherlands
> Telephone:    +31 (0)224 564938
> Fax:       +31
> (0)224 568966
> E-mail: jong@ecn.nl					Internet:
> http://www.ecn.nl/dego/main.html
> =============================================================> =============> =====>