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TRNLIB - Libraries of User-Written Components for TRNSYS15

As a service to the users of TRNSYS, the Solar Energy Laboratory maintains this collection of TRNSYS components voluntarily provided to us by TRNSYS users. One of the great features of TRNSYS is its modularity. Because of this feature, many TRNSYS users have written their own components. Many of these are good models that, with the thought of saving other users time and effort, they have been contributed to the TRNSYS library of components.

The TRNSYS developers wish to express their thanks to the authors who decided to share their work with the TRNSYS community.

TRNLIB is currently organized in several libraries:


Links with other programs  

TRNSYS 15 provides a link with EES as part of the standard library. The components here below add the ability to call other external programs, making TRNSYS even more flexible.


Type 62: Calling Excel

This TRNSYS Type implements a link with Excel. The Fortran routine communicates with Excel through a Component Object Model (COM) interface, which allows a fast data transfer. TRNSYS sends the component's inputs to given cells in an excel worksheet. Excel then calculates the outputs using standard formulas or Visual Basic macros and sends them back to TRNSYS. The Type 62 manual and a description of the downloadable example are available online.


Jochen Wriske & Markus Oertker - Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik, RWTH Aachen





Type 62 setup file

This self-extractor program will install all required files.

  • Run trnsys-excel.exe
  • Select your Trnsys 15 directory to unzip the files.
  • Open \Trnsys15\TrnLib\RWTH-Aachen\Documentation\type62-manual.html in your browser and follow the instructions. Further information on the example is in Trnsys15\TrnLib\RWTH-Aachen\Documentation\trnsys-excel-example.html
  • To add Type62 to a new project, select it from \TrnLib\RWTH-Aachen\Calling Excel

This download is only available for registered TRNSYS 15 users. You will be asked for the username and password that you use to access the "Registered users resources" area of this website. If you are a registered Trnsys15 user and don't know your username and password, please contact your TRNSYS distributor.

132 KB trnsys-excel.exe


Type 155: Calling Matlab

This TRNSYS Type implements a link with Matlab. The connection uses the Matlab engine, which is launched as a separate process.
The Fortran routine communicates with the Matlab engine through a Component Object Model (COM) interface. Any Matlab command (including Simulink simulations) can be run within a TRNSYS simulation. The
Type 155 manual and a description of the downloadable example are available online.


Michaël Kummert - Solar Energy Lab, UW-Madison

Comments and suggestions about Type155 should be sent to





Type 155 setup file

This self-extractor program will install all required files.

  • Run trnsys-matlab.exe
  • Select your Trnsys 15 directory to unzip the files.
  • Open \Trnsys15\TrnLib\SEL\Documentation\trnsys-matlab\type155-manual.html in your browser and follow the instructions. Further information on the example is in Trnsys15\TrnLib\SEL\Documentation\trnsys-matlab\trnsys-matlab-example.html
  • To add Type155 to a new project, select it from \TrnLib\SEL\Calling Matlab

This download is only available for registered TRNSYS 15 users. You will be asked for the username and password that you use to access the "Registered users resources" area of this website. If you are a registered Trnsys15 user and don't know your username and password, please contact your TRNSYS distributor.

124 KB trnsys-matlab.exe



HYDROGEMS is a library of computer models for simulation of integrated hydrogen systems based on renewable energy.
The objective of HYDROGEMS is to provide a set of modeling tools that can be used to optimize the design and control of RE/H2-systems.
The HYDROGEMS models are compatible with TRNSYS and EES

Available components:

  • TYPE180 Photovoltaic Generator 

  • TYPE190 Wind Energy Conversion System 

  • TYPE170 Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell 

  • TYPE173 Alkaline Fuel Cell 

  • TYPE160 Advanced Alkaline Electrolyzer 

  • TYPE164 Compressed Gas Storage 

  • TYPE185 Lead-acid Battery 

  • TYPE120 Diesel Engine Generator System 

  • TYPE175 Power Conditioning 

HYDROGEMS is a result of more than 7 years of modeling and simulation work performed at Institute for Energy Technology, Norway. The main sponsor of HYDROGEMS is the Research Council of Norway.


Several files are available for download:





HYDROGEMS presentation (PPS File) 526 KB Click
HYDROGEMS User Guide (PDF File) 156 KB Click
HYDROGEMS Demo (Self extractor .EXE File) 2073 KB Click
HYDROGEMS TRNSYS Library (Fully functional version, setup file)

The HYDROGEMS user agreement stipulates that users should register their contact details in a database maintained by the Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology. This download is only available for registered TRNSYS 15 users. You will be asked for the username and password that you use to access the "Registered users resources" area of this website. If you are a registered Trnsys15 user and don't know your username and password, please contact your TRNSYS distributor.

5063 KB Download


Note: You may need to download the following (free) programs to open some of the files:

For more information on HYDROGEMS, you can also go to the HYDROGEMS website



IEA / SHC Task 26 load profiles  

Ulrike Jordan and Klaus Vajen have developed a tool to generate realistic Domestic Hot Water (DHW) load profiles in the framework of IEA / SHC Task 26 (Solar Combisystems). Those load profiles have been used with TRNSYS for detailed simulations of Combisystems, and their authors have kindly accepted to share them with TRNSYS users.


For the latest information, please check the following website: in the downloads section.


For more information, please check the following reference:  "Influence Of The DHW Load Profile On The Fractional Energy Savings: A Case Study Of A Solar Combi-System With TRNSYS Simulations", Jordan U. and Vajen K., Solar energy, 69-6, 2001, pp. 197-208. An abstract is available on the TRNSYS website here.


Other components

The models in this library come from three main sources: the students at the Solar Energy Laboratory, the ASHRAE simulation toolkits, and various other individuals and groups of TRNSYS users. We are very thankful for any user or group that takes the time to send us their models. If you would like to become a contributor to the TRNSYS component library, please contact the TRNSYS Coordinator. There are three necessary items for adding your component to our library: a written description of the component, the FORTRAN source code, and sample input and output. We would prefer that you sent us (by mail or Email) the description and FORTRAN code as text files.

Disclaimer: Because many of these components are not written in the Solar Energy Lab and have not been fully tested by the Solar Lab, we do not guarantee either the usability nor accuracy of the models as follows. Use these components at your own risk. Many of the problems with using components written by others comes from using the component outside of its intended range of parameters. Therefore we suggest that you check the component to make sure that it works in the range of values you are using.

Available Component Types:

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