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Re: link

I m using Developer Studio DVF6.0.
In Trnshell, when I 'Rebuild all' , the command  'LINK @LINK.FP4' (which is
in ALLTRN32.BAT) doesn't work.  I can read :  "commande ou nom de fichier
incorrect" ("command or the name of file is not OK" in english).
I didn't changed the trnwin location. A month ago , I have changed the
'carte mere' ('mother card ?' in english)  of my computer. Perhaps , somes
files have been removed.

At 09:36 14/04/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Can you tell us what the error message you get is?  This problem could be
>due to many different reasons.  Can you link other Fortran programs?  Also,
>have you changed anything about the computer or the location of the TRNWIN
>directory?  What Fortran compiler are you using?
>Nathan Blair
>At 03:46 PM 4/14/00 +0200, you wrote:
>> Hello dear TRNSYS users, 
>>I am working with TRNSYS 14.2 on a computer running Windows 95. My problem
>>is that I cannot executate anymore "LINK @LINK.FP4" (I have tried to
>>reinstall TRNSYS and FORTRAN but it didn't changed).
>>Does anybody have a solution for this problem ?
>>Thank you for your help , Gilles Fraisse