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how to you use

I have the net login and pwd to this site. We donot have trnsys software in
institute. Is it still possible to use any of your facility of code and so
forth, or I have to be just a watcher! I am simulating a nontracking hybrid
solar cooker under the MNES project of Government of India.
In short can any body provide the basic material I should go first to use
it to full extent and communicate with fellow brethern in their language.

Ajit Kumar N Shukla   PH +91 512 242431
C/o Dr Manohar Prasad PH +91 512 597038
Refregeration And A/c Lab        597967
Indian Institute of Technology
KANPUR 208 016
SBRA A-one	or	117/M/48
IIT			Kaka Dev
Kanpur			Kanpur
India			India