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Re: Type 16

> Ralf Blachnik wrote:
> > Hallo,
> >
> > I have a problem with the solar radiation processor.
> > I'd like to use the total radiation taken by a pyranometer faced
> > south with a slope of 60 degrees for a TRNSYS simulation.
> >
> > Type 16 is only available for solar radiation on the horizontal.

Hello Rolf,

as announced in private email I send you a part of a diploma thesis, worked
out at the Fraunhofer ISE,
which will give you the solution of your problem. It's a WinWord-file
(sorry to non-word-users) with all the
equations (based on Duffie/Beckmann) needed to calculate the horizontal
Unfortunately it's a german paper, but the equations may be comprehensible
also for english speakers.
Because it's an iterative solution we worked out an Excel-Makro to solve
the equations. It's included in
the file and I hope it's comprehensible also if you don't use Excel.

We don't want to get any money for this solution, because the work was
financed by a project.
I hope someone in the trnsys world (you?) can use it for a project and will
translate the equations
in a new part of the type16 and will give it to all users (by this list)
without earning money.

Best wishes from the sunny institute in Freiburg, Germany,


MAIL : Fraunhofer-Institut fuer Solare Energiesysteme,
       Andreas Buehring, Abteilung 20, Gruppe Solares Bauen,
       Oltmannsstr. 5, 79100 Freiburg, Germany
PHONE: ++49 (0)761-4588-288
FAX  : ++49 (0)761-4588-132
EMAIL: buehring@ise.fhg.de

Attachment: diplomarbeit-auszug-strahlungsumrechnung.doc
Description: MS-Word document