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Re: run alltrn32.bat (version 14.2)


<David : You can check by opening the code and verifying that the line:INCLUDE '../kernal/param.inc' exists
All the files *.for (HPLOT.FOR , summary.for , map.for , type10.for ...) have INCLUDE 'param.inc' and not INCLUDE '/kernal/param.inc'.
I have copied the param.inc file into the trnwin directory. It doesn't work.
I can write INCLUDE 'kernal\param.inc'  in all the *.for files ... but it will need a "very" long time. And I don't remind having already done that before.

I think you mentioned that you are recompiling using the alltrn32.bat file... if you modify that file so that the compile commands read:

fl32 /c  /I\trnwin\kernal *.for

then you are telling the compiler where to find the include files. That might solve the problem. If not, then you may have to resort to using the Developer Studio because in there, you can set the location of include paths.

Thermal Energy System Specialists (TESS)
David BRADLEY                           2916 Marketplace Drive - Suite 104
Project Engineer                           Madison, WI 53719
Phone: (608) 274-2577 USA
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