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Papers and Validation

In one way, TRNSYS does not need to be validated. TRNSYS is primarily an equation solving program based on standard numerical techniques. However, validation does become important for the individual components in TRNSYS. These are the engineering models that must accurately reflect the true physics of the system being modeled. Listed below is a number of Journals that have carried articles related to TRNSYS or its components. Additionally, in the TRNSYS manual, there is a listing of references for each standard component.

This list is by no means comprehensive. The reader should also check on the SEL Publications list for more papers and reports concerning TRNSYS.

Journals with References to TRNSYS

Applied Energy

Applied Mathematical Modelling

Applied Thermal Engineering

Aquacultural Engineering

ASHARE Transactions

Automation in Construction

Building and Environment

Building Research and Information

Building Services Engineering Research & Technology



Energy and Buildings

Energy Conversion and Management


Fuel and Energy Abstracts

HVAC and R Research

International Journals

Journal of Building Physics

Journal of Engineering Thermophysics

Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Transactions of the ASME

Neural Networks

Previews of Heat and Mass Transfer


Renewable Energy

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

Solar Energy

Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells

WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development

VTT Publications


Conferences with References to TRNSYS

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