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New Heat Transfer Textbook

Gregory Nellis and Sanford Klein
University of Wisconsin, Madison

Publication: December 2008
Hardback, 1091 Pages
ISBN: 9780521881074

Heat Transfer, book cover

To view information about the textbook Heat Transfer by Nellis and Klein, please go to

To purchase Heat Transfer by Nellis and Klein or obtain a desk copy, please go to


The single objective of this textbook is to provide engineers with the capability, tools, and confidence to solve today's heat transfer problems.


Basic concepts related to conduction, convection and radiation are presented in detail, without skipping steps. In addition, advanced topics are covered, including Bessel functions, Laplace transforms, separation of variables, Duhamel's theorem, integral techniques, high-order explicit and implicit numerical integration, numerical solutions to heat exchanger problems, pinch-point analysis, regenerators, and Monte Carlo methods. This textbook provides content coverage that is sufficient for a graduate course but it can also be used in an undergraduate course.

Computer Tools

The heat transfer theory presented in the text is completely integrated with the use of modern computer tools. Most real engineering problems require proficiency with these tools in order to allow design, parametric study and optimization. The proper use of the software packages EES, Maple, MATLAB, and FEHT is presented in parallel with the discussion of the concepts. This software is used throughout the text to solve the example problems. Download the software at

EES logo Matlab logo Maple logo FEHT logo


The numerous examples throughout the textbook are timely and relevant. These examples are not trivial. They present the detailed solution to real-world engineering problems and include the use of computer tools for design and optimization.

EES Heat Transfer Library

The equations, tables, and charts that are traditionally required to solve heat transfer problems (e.g., to determine properties, view factors, shape factors, convection coefficients, etc.) have been integrated with EES as procedures and functions. The heat transfer library in EES allows the instructor to assign challenging and interesting problems that involve design and optimization. This type of problem motivates and prepares the student, resulting in a more intuitive and complete understanding of heat transfer.


There are more than 200 problems typeset with the book with twice that many additional problems available on the web site These problems range from conceptual questions to detailed design studies. The online problems are continuously augmented and updated. The solutions to every problem are typeset and include a detailed, step-by-step discussion of the steps. The computer code accompanying each problem is available on the web site.

Extended Sections

The textbook's 1100 pages are augmented by nearly as many pages of online material (available free of charge at that cover advanced topics and provide tutorials for the software.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: 1-D, Steady-State Conduction
Chapter 2: 2-D, Steady-State Conduction
Chapter 3: Transient Conduction
Chapter 4: External Forced Convection
Chapter 5: Internal Forced Convection
Chapter 6: Natural Convection
Chapter 7: Boiling and Condensation
Chapter 8: Heat Exchangers
Chapter 9: Mass Transfer
Chapter 10: Radiation

Instructors may obtain a desk copy by contacting
Peter Gordon at

Copies may be purchased at:

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