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Spring 2025 Seminar Schedule

Seminars are on Tuesday and start at 4:00pm in Room ME 2188.

Jan. 28 Sahana Upadhya, "Lithium Battery SOC Estimation and Degradation Modeling"

Feb. 4 Joe Farrell "Obstructed Two-Phase Annular Flow: Altering Dryout Behavior"

Feb. 11 cancelled

Feb. 18 Curtis Foster "Heat Pipe Integration Heat Exchanger"

Feb. 25 Erik Pagenkopf "Optimization of TPMS Heat Exchange Structures"

Mar. 4 Keegan Murray "Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) Cladding Alloys"

Mar. 11 Ziyang Hang "Hydrogen Pulsating Heat Pipes"

Mar. 18 Ryder Belgarde "Thermal Striping in Sodium Fast Reactors"

Mar. 25 No Seminar - Spring Break

Apr. 1 Sydney Therien "Vanadium Superconducting Heat Switch"

Apr. 15 Christopher Volkwein "Dynamic Simulation of a Molten Salt Power Tower"

Apr. 22 Tony Grotjan "Additive Manufactured Supercritical CO2 Turbine"

Apr. 27 Cullen O'Neill "Molten Salt Pump Development"

Fall 2024 Seminar Schedule

Most seminars are on Tuesday and start at 4:00pm in Room ME 2188.

Sep. 10 (ME 2188) Carter Kreft, "Nitrogen Sublimation Cooling"

Sep. 19 (ERB 106) Harrison Skye, "Research at NIST" NOTE THIS IS A THURSDAY

Sep. 24 (ME 2188) Ana Groeschel, "CSP Simulation"

Oct. 1 (ME 2188) Brett Prussack, "TPMS for Nuclear Applications"

Oct. 8 (ME 2188) Eli Gaeta, "Steam Injection Optimization"

Oct. 15 (ME 2188) Eric Alar, "Blast Freezing"

Oct. 22 (ME 2188) Jonathan Stone, "Lifting Mechanism for DUNE Application"

Oct. 29 (ME 2188) Lucas Desorcy, "Diffusion Bonding of 316H and 617"

Nov. 5 (ME 2188) Kaleb Troyer, "Primary Heat Exchanger for CSP with Particles"

Nov. 12 (ME 2188) Jack Prout, "Thermal Energy Storage"

Nov. 19 (ME 2188) Matt Lindsay, "CHF on SiC and Effects of CRUD"

Nov. 26 (ME 2188) Michael Niemic, "Testing Particle Heat Exchangers"

Dec. 3 (ME 2188) Nick Edwards, "Concentrating Solar Power"

Dec. 10 (ME 2188) Sahana Upadhya, "Battery Degradation"

Dec. 17 (TBD) Tentative Date for SEL Christmas Party

Spring 2024 Seminar Schedule

All seminars are on Tuesday and start at 4:00pm. The room is indicated below.

Jan. 30 Seminar Cancelled

Feb. 6 (ME 2188) Logan Kossel, "The Impact of Length on Cryogenic PHPs"

Feb. 13 (ERB 106) Ty Glisczinski, "Thermal Energy Storage"

Feb. 20 (ME 2188) Yannis Pandiscas, "Engineering Support for the DUNE Project"

Feb. 27 (ME 2188) Robert McPherson, "Human-Machine Interface Design"

Mar. 5 (ME 2188) Jacob Wenner, "The Impact of Clouds on Receiver Life"

Mar. 12 (ERB 106) Caleb Simons, "Orifice Corrosion and Flow Coefficients in Liquid Sodium"

Mar. 19 (ME 2188) Curtis Foster, "Microreactor to Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers"

---------- Mar. 26, No Seminar, Spring Break --------------

Apr. 2 (ME 2188) Doran Mackowski, "Industrial Heat Pumping"

Apr. 9 (ERB 106) Nicholas Thoreson, "Heat Transfer Associated with Low Prandtl Number Fluids"

Apr. 16 (ERB 106) Joe Farrell, "The Impact of Obstructions in Annular Flow"

Apr. 23 (ERB 106) Erik Tillman, "Liquid Metal Heat Pipes"

Apr. 30 (ERB 106) Cancelled

Fall 2023 Seminar Schedule

All seminars are on Tuesday and start at 4:00pm. The room is indicated below.

Sep. 12 (ERB 106) Sammie Lundin, "Optimization of 2-Stage Heliostat Field"

Sep. 19 (ME 2188) Keegan Murray, "Accident Tolerant Fuel Cladding Alloys"

Sep. 26 (ERB 106) Sahana Upadhya, "Battery Degradation"

Oct. 3 (ME 2188) Eli Gaeta, "Steam Injection Studies"

Oct. 10 (ERB 106) Joshua Truchon, "Testing in Support of the DUNE Project"

Oct. 17 (ME 2188) Andrew Napora, "Monitoring Impurities in Sodium"

Oct. 24 (ERB 106) Anna Groeschel, "Power Block Modeling for a CSP Plant"

Oct. 31 (ERB 106) Elizabeth Keith, "Dispatch Optimization of TES for an MED System"

Nov. 7 (ME 2188) Ryder Belgarde, "Thermal Striping in Sodium"

Nov. 14 (ERB 106) Roman Morse, "From the Liquid Film to Heat Transfer in Annular Flow"

---------- Nov. 21, No Seminar, Thanksgiving Week --------------

Nov. 28 (ERB 106) Eric Alar, "Blast Freezers"

Dec. 5 (ME 2188) Brett Prussack, "Additive Manufacturing of Reactor Cores"

Dec. 12 (ERB 106) Matt Tuman, "Solar Field Modeling for a Parabolic Trough CSP Plant"

Dec. 19 (TBD) Solar Lab Holiday Get Together

Spring 2023 Seminar Schedule

All seminars are on Tuesday and start at 4:00pm. The room is indicated below.

Jan. 24 (106 ERB) - Diego Fonseca, Brad Moore, and Weibo Chen, "Opportunities and Efforts at JPL"

Jan. 31 (106 ERB) - Yaning Wang, "Cryogenic Heat Exchangers"

Feb. 7 (2065 ME) - Erik Tillman, "Liquid Metal Heat Pipes"

Feb. 14 (106 ERB) - Willy Huang, "Modeling Phase Change Materials"

Feb. 21 (2065 ME) - Ty Glisczinski, "Design of Two-Stage Heliostat"

Feb. 28 (106 ERB) - Jared Valois, "Cryogenic Contact Resistance"

Mar. 7 (2065 ME) - Laith Abdulmajeid, "Optimization of the Control of the NIST IBAL"

Mar. 14 - no seminar, Spring Break

Mar. 21 (2065 ME) - Logan Kossel, "Cryogenic Pulsating Heat Pipes"

Mar. 28 (106 ERB) - Ziyang Wang, "Superconducting Magnets"

Apr. 4 (2065 ME) - Tyler Young, "CFD for Blast Freezer Optimization"

Apr. 11 (106 ERB) - Curtis Foster, "Integration Heat Exchanger for Microreactors"

Apr. 18 (2065 ME) - Lewis Francisco Hardy-Cardenas, "Molten Salt Pumps"

Apr. 25 (106 ERB) - Andrew Napora, "Impurities in Sodium Reactors"

May 2 (2065 ME) - Sammie Lundin, "Optimization of Heliostat Field"

Fall 2022 Seminar Schedule

All seminars are on Tuesday and start at 4:00pm. The room is indicated below.

Sep. 13 (106 ERB) - Matt Tuman, "Concentrating Solar Power" Slides

Sep. 20 (106 ERB) - Alastair Luna, "Advanced Temperature Measurements" Slides

Sep. 27 (106 ERB) - cancelled

Oct. 4 (1270 ME) - cancelled

Oct. 11 (106 ERB) - Nathan Colgan, "Heat Rejection on Mars" Slides

Oct. 18 (106 ERB) - Sahana Upadhya, "Dispatch Optimization" Slides

Oct. 25 (106 ERB) - Yiyan Li, "Embedded System and Integrated Circuit Design"

Nov. 1 (1270 ME) - Eric Alar, "Blast Freezers"

Nov. 8 (106 ERB) - Wesley Johnson, "Cryogenics at NASA Glenn"

Nov. 15 (106 ERB) - Jason Chan, "Liquid Films"

Nov. 22 - No seminar, Thanksgiving Week

Nov. 29 (106 ERB) - Devin McCormick, "Liquid Sodium"

Dec. 6 (1270 ME) -Brian White, "sCO2 Modeling for Integrated Nuclear and CSP" Slides

Dec. 13 (106 ERB)- cancelled

Dec. 20 (TBD)- Solar Energy Lab Winter Get-Together

Spring 2022 Seminar Schedule

All seminars are on Tuesday and start at 4:00pm in Room ME 3210 unless otherwise noted.

Jan. 25 - cancelled

Feb. 1 - Matt Mullin, "Learned Productivity under Variable Solar Conditions" Slides

Feb. 8 - Jennifer Detlor, "Measuring the Fin-Side Heat Transfer Coefficient in MGJT Systems"

Feb. 15 - Zhiyi Jiang, "Experimental Characterization of Nitrogen Pulsating Heat Pipes"

Feb. 22 - Brett Prusack, "Deposition of Highly Aligned CNTs"

Mar. 1 - Laith Abdulmajeid, "Modeling the Integrated Building Automation Lab"

Mar. 8 - Ryder Belgarde, "Thermal Stresses in Sodium Fast Reactors due to Thermal Oscillations" Slides

Mar. 15 - No Seminar, Spring Break

Mar. 22 - Erik Tillman, "Liquid Metal Heat Pipe Visualization" Slides

Mar. 27 - Logan Kossel, "Long-length Helium Pulsating Heat Pipes" Slides

Apr. 5 - Chloe Gunderson, "Continuous sub-Kelvin Cooling with He3/He4 Mixtures"

Apr. 12 - Christian Thorpe, "Optimizing Nozzles for Steam Injection"

Apr. 19 - Lewis Francisco Handy-Cardenas, "Molten Salt Pumps"

Apr. 26 - SEL Seminar is cancelled in order to attend event in honor of Kris Dressler at 4:30 in 1800 EH

May 3 - Roman Morse, "Critical Heat Flux and Liquid Dryout in Two-Phase Annular Flow"

Fall 2021 Seminar Schedule

All seminars are on Tuesday and start at 4:00pm in Room ME 3210 unless otherwise noted.

Sep. 7 - Sahana Upadhya, "Dispatch Optimization Model with Battery Degradation" Slides

Sep. 14 - Andrew Napora, "Versatile Test Reactor Sodium Chemistry Control & Monitoring" Slides

Sep. 21 - Tony Grotjan, "Turbine Test Facility" Slides

Sep. 28 - Uzome Mmeje, "Pulsating Heat Pipes" Slides

Oct. 5 - Alastair Luna, "Optical Fiber Temperature and Stress Measurements" Slides

Oct. 12 - Logan Rapp, "sCO2 work at Sandia National Lab"

Oct. 19 - cancelled

Oct. 26 - Jason Chan, "Thin Film Flow around Obstacles" Slides

Nov. 2 - Mackenzie Nelson, "Mechanical Integrity for High Temperature sCO2 Systems with Salt Solutions" Slides

Nov. 9 - Nathan Colgan, "Heat Exchangers for Mars" Slides

Nov. 16 - William Derdeyn, "Optical Characterization of Molten Fluoride Salt Systems" Slides

Nov. 30 - Brian White, "sCO2 Cycle Modeling for Integrated Nuclear + CSP" Slides

Dec. 7 - Gunnar Maples, "Heat Sink Modeling and Testing"

Dec. 14 - Jacob Wenner, "Hybrid Generator Test Facility" (NOTE - moved to ME 3121) Slides

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