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Downloadable Applications
- Radiative-convective cooling panel: This code provides the MATLAB script to demonstrate the model described in Dyreson, A., Klein, S.A., and Miller, F., "Modeling Radiative-Convective Panels for Nighttime Passive Cooling Applications," Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, October 2017, Vol. 139.
(4 kb)
- PV 5-parameters model: This application calculates the 5-parameters required to characterize the energy conversion from PV modules, according to the model developed by DeSoto et al.
(2.2 Mb)
- Combisys: Combined domestic hot water and space heating.
- EES calling TRNSYS: Example of how to use EES for preprocessing and
postprocessing TRNSYS simulations. (url)
- HYGCHP: Hybrid Ground-Coupled Heat Pump Design Program. (url)
- AMRR: A one dimensional (1-D) thermodynamic model that solves the energy balance equations for the heat transfer fluid and the regenerator material of an AMRR cycle.
View the full description here.
Download the GUI application here.
- SCO2 Brayton cycle model: The Fortran source code and Python interface for the model described in the dissertation "Modeling the Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Cycle with Recompression” and the paper "Design Considerations for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Brayton Cycles with Recompression" [DOI: 10.1115/1.4027936].
Download the model here.(Updated September 26, 2014)
- EES Heat Transfer Libraries: The Heat Transfer libraries for EES. Download the zip file and replace the contents of Userlib\Heat Transfer\ with the contents of this file.
Download the library here(Updated July 7, 2021)